Head : Noelynn Llasos
We believe that our children are our future, so here at Edinburg Seventh-day Adventist Church, we follow the Biblical principle of "training a child in the way he should go." We have several ministries that are available for your children to participate in and we invite you to feel free to join any of these!
OBJECTIVE: To provide spiritual growth for children and to coordinate and work together with the other leaders to provide for an overall plan and budget for a wholesome program of Children’s Ministries for the church family.
This ministry concerns itself with the needs of the children, sets and coordinates the various children’s programs and ministries of the church. It sets the schedules for fundraisers as well as the Bible learning curriculum of the different children’s divisions in the church. This ministry makes children aware that they are valued as part of the church and as such helps train and prepare them for young discipleship and church functions.
Planned Programs/Activities:
- Annual Children’s Sabbath
- Annual Vacation Bible School
Find out more about
- Adventurers
- Sabbath School classes
- Children's Choir
- Vacation Bible School
2024 Vacation Bible School