Coordinator: Holly Llasos
OBJECTIVE:To use the diverse musical talents in our church to uplift worship service to that which is pure, noble and elevating and to awaken in man’s soul his devotion and gratitude to God.
The music ministry is involved with creatively working to develop ideas for expanding the existing music program of the church. The ministry uses music for communication, outreach and glorification of God. Heaven’s communion begins here on earth and music is the keynote of its praise.
Music is an integral and effervescent part of worship here at Edinburg SDA Church. It is the medium that leads our congregation into God’s presence during worship. We believe in praising God through our voices and our instruments. As the Psalmist says, “Make a joyful sound unto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing.” (Psalm 100:1 & 2) From our children to our youth and on to the adults, various ensembles take an active role in our music ministry. They all exist to praise Him in service. Music is the medium that uplifts Him in praise!
Directed by Holly Llasos our children’s choir now numbers close to 50 children ranging from ages 2 to 12 years old. Their number continues to grow each year as new children join the choir.
Their schedule has them singing on several occasions throughout the year in various church programs and culminates in December with their annual Christmas presentation.


The choir is for teens ages 14-30. They too participate during our worship service and sing on scheduled dates throughout the year

Angklung Ensemble
The Angklung is a musical instrument made from bamboo and tuned to the different notes of the scale. A musical note is sounded upon shaking the instrument and music is made when several of the instruments are shaken together. Zelda Colegado directs this group. They actively participate in the outreach efforts of the church in visiting hospices and nursing homes around the area.

Family Chorale
The Family Chorale is an adult ensemble composed of married couples that is actively involved in the music ministry of the church.

HIMIG, an all-male vocal ensemble, has been in existence since the mid 90’s. They have been singing in and around Texas during conventions and meetings and are actively engaged with the church’s music outreach to hospitals, nursing homes as well as other churches and convocations. HIMIG’s mission is “To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, to uplift Him in our personal lives and to testify through songs, of His love for all mankind.” HIMIG, which means “a tune or a hymn” in the Filipino language, is also an acronym for He Is My Immortal God. HIMIG is an independent ministry of the Edinburg SDA Church.

Church Choir

One Accord

Church Orchestra
The orchestra is made up of members aged 10 or older who can play a musical instrument and have completed a year or more of lessons. Pastor Sulivan Dutra directs this ensemble. They play two Sabbaths a month for the Worship Services.
PARTICIPANTS of the 2018 Music Department "Praise Musical Concert"