The ASL Class has been discontinued for now. If there is enough demand we'll schedule more classes.
About the class
- Taught by both Deaf and interpreters.
- You can learn at your own pace. There are some resources listed below. The Internet is helpful for studying at home.
- If you need Spanish translation let us know.
Recommended before you come:
- Learn the alphabet at
- Browse the resources listed below
- For this class you don't need to buy any books but here are some recommende ones.
- American Sign Language Phrase Book - Lou Fant and Barbara Bernstein Fant
- Gallaudet Dictionary of American Sign Language
Internet resources
- Buying - They are available but costly and have a limited vocabulary
- You can make your own
- There are quiz applications for your computer or phone.
- Make a way of using them as part of your review process
- Put aside learned cards to focus on unlearned ones
Ideas for Practicing
- Listening to tv and radio
- Reading magazines, books
- DVDs
- Sign things you see in your environment.
- Practice fingerspelling as you ride to work or school or are waiting in line
- Download videos, speeches, and dictionary words to your media player
ASL Lessons